
Showing posts from November, 2017

A simple formula to decide when to sell or buy shares

Photo by Rick Tap on Unsplash This article would be useful to those who invest or want to invest in both equity and debt financial instruments and use the money to build a large corpus either for retirement or to buy something that is expensive. The time horizon would be of the order of multiple years and the individual time available to do research and take a buy or sell decision would be limited. Although this might seem like too many conditions but I believe this would cover a large set of folks, so I thought I would share my formulae so that the readers have one more perspective to investment strategy. The readers would then have one more option in their bucket to either choose to implement or ignore this strategy. Knowing more options only has upside since you can always choose to ignore the option. I use this formula personally to automate some of my decision as I don’t have time to research and figure out when to buy and sell. Now let me talk about the problem stateme...

The real hidden cost of cell phone

Photo by  on  Unsplash Phones have now become an integral part of our life. Most of us wake up by alarms set on phone and probably engage with it before sleeping. As per the article in Business Insider , we touch our cell phone 2617 times a day while for some extreme users this number could go up to 5400 times a day. The research also found average users spent 145 minutes on their phones and engaged in 76 phone sessions per day. As for iPhone users, Apple recently confirmed their device users unlock their phones 80 times every day. That's about 6 to 7 times every hour.  This translates to a very high number and nothing in the history of mankind has been able to penetrate our life's in such a way. Without any debate, we are actually addicted to our phones. Considering the high number, one of the question that pops up is how can we reduce the time spent on phones. But I believe this is not an important question , at least n...